Weather Radar

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World’s Most Extensive Weather Solutions Product Line

EEC was incorporated in 1971 by a group of radar engineers specifically for the manufacture of affordable, high quality meteorological radar systems with the primary intention to capture the world market. By providing the best cost/value solutions, EEC quickly became the world leader in the meteorological radar field, now with more than 800 radar systems installed throughout the United States and in 85 countries worldwide.

EEC products are dedicated to weather detection and analysis with its primary focus on Doppler meteorological surveillance radar with automatic computer processing systems as the cornerstone for a fully integrated weather solution. Turnkey solutions are available for general forecasting, severe weather analysis and alerts, aviation weather forecasting and decision making, wide-area hydrology or basin level hydrology.

Doppler Weather Radar Systems

EEC has the most extensive line of Doppler Weather Radar Systems available on the market today. The product line covers all normal meteorological frequencies from X-Band to S-Band and all power levels from 250 Watts to over one (1) million Watts. All standard systems are configured with a state-of-the-art digital receiver and powerful Doppler Signal Processor. EEC antenna systems are provided to meet any meteorological mission, including reflectors of up to 8.5 meters and pedestals with payload capacities exceeding six (6) tons.