Weather Forecasts

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Small errors in short-term weather forecasts can cost an electric utility tens of millions of dollars per year in energy production, an airline millions of dollars per year in operating expenses, and an individual farm thousands of dollars per year in crop management. In fact, accurate short-range forecasts are critical to the bottom line of businesses and agencies across a variety of sectors including energy, agriculture, transportation, aviation and government.

The research is clear: Infusing localized, real-time weather information into numerical weather prediction improves the accuracy of short-term forecasts, as does utilizing the highest-resolution models and updating the forecast frequently with the latest observations. ENcast addresses the biggest numerical weather prediction challenges that inhibit increasing forecast accuracy and sets a new standard for accurate hourly weather forecasts from 0 to 15 days by combining:

  • Earth Networks Weather & Lightning Observations
  • Government and Proprietary Weather Observations
  • High-Resolution Models including ECMWF
  • Hourly Updates
  • High-Speed Computing

Forecast feeds are available for any latitude/longitude in the world. Download the ENcast product overview.

Unmatched Forecast Accuracy

The combination of real-time neighborhood-level weather and lightning observations, the best-performing set of global models including the ECMWF (the highest-resolution global model), and hourly updates beats the accuracy of individual models, ensemble models and any single proprietary model. Forecasts are produced on a 4 km grid over CONUS and Europe, and on a 12.5 km grid elsewhere.

Hourly Updates

All ENcast forecast feeds can be upgraded to hourly update service supported by Earth Networks’ high-speed computing power. Hourly updates are tuned with the latest sensor observations and produce the most accurate hourly forecasts out to 144 hours (6 days).


Hyper-Local Nowcast Advantage

The Earth Networks Weather Network consists of more than 10,000 weather stations with live data updated every 2 seconds. Tuning the forecast with real-time weather and lightning observations enables pinpoint accuracy in the 0-12 hour range.  Model inputs include:

  • Temperature
  • Wind speed and direction
  • Dew point
  • Lightning

Sensor Forecast

Pinpoint-accurate forecasts of temperature, wind, precipitation probabilities and more can be produced for any sensor location that transmits reliable data, including Earth Networks’ Weather Stations, sensors part of a client’s proprietary network, government METAR observations and even ocean buoys.

  • Statistically and bias-corrected forecasts using sensor data
  • 0-15 day hourly forecast updated twice per day
  • Optional premium upgrade to hourly update service for 0-6 days
  • Turnkey solution: Place a sensor where the need for an accurate forecast is greatest

Location Forecast

Highly accurate forecasts can be provided for any latitude/longitude, with or without a sensor. Forecasts are intelligently interpolated using observations from the Earth Networks Weather Network.

  • Delivered as a dataset or pre-specified locations via lat/lon request
  • 0-15 day hourly forecast updated twice per day
  • Optional premium upgrade to hourly update service for 0-6 days

City Forecast

Custom forecasts are generated for thousands of fixed city locations around the world with forecast accuracy enhanced by observations from the Earth Networks Weather Network.

  • Delivered as a dataset of pre-specified locations from a city list
  • 0-10 day day/night forecast updated twice per day
  • Optional premium upgrade to hourly forecast with hourly update service for 0-6 days