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The availability of accurate, up-to-date meteorological data is critical to the safe operation of any airport. It is also very important in assessing operating minima and the transition to and from LVPs, when inaccurate data can cause unnecessary delays and increase operating costs.
It is therefore vital that meteorological data is supplied by a reliable, trustworthy system designed specifically to meet international standards for airport meteorology. AGI has been designing and manufacturing airport meteorological equipment for over 20 years. Systems opereted in major UK airports and also at airports in Europe and Asia, and are compliant with ICAO, WMO and many national standards, both civilian and military. Meteorological Systems products include stand-alone UWS Surface Wind and AGIVIS IRVR systems, which are also integrated into AGIMET Air AWOS. This AWOS product is scalable in terms of the number and types of sensors that may be used, and is suitable for any category and size of airport.